Sunday, 8 October 2017

Margo Durrell at Malvern Girls' College

Malvern's pupils' ledger for spring term 1929.
Margo Durrell was at Malvern Girls' College (now Malvern St James Girls' School) from spring term 1929 to summer term 1935 when she blew it all and went to Corfu.

She was always in two minds about whether it had been right to leave Malvern Girls’ College. ‘Corfu was an escape, in a way,’ she recalled. ‘I was doing very well at Malvern. I could have had a career, you see, which I sometimes wish I had done.’

She might have been an actress or a ballet principal as the school magazine for summer 1930 shows, when Margo appeared in the school ballet Joy Incarnate in the role of a snowdrop.  

Malvern lost a snowdrop but gained an illustrious Old Girl.

Margo Durrell as a snowdrop.